Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Waking Up

Holly and I went to Charleston SC last w-e to be with my Mom and visit my stepdad who is still in the hospital. He was moved from the Neuro ICU but remained delirious the entire time that we were there. It has been weighing heavily on us as I knew it would if/when he got worse. Well, we are there. He just hasn't bounced back from his most recent surgery, though my Mom said that he woke up yesterday-could eat, talk, recognize folks, and even stand for a bit. Hard, hard to watch such a big man be dwarfed by this illness and his hospital bed. I guess we all look small when we are sick, can't eat, and just lie in those hospital beds under florescent lights. I hope that he continues to make rapid progress from here and enjoys some more good times before whatever is around the next corner. I'll apologize right here for all of the bruises Brian probably has from me rubbing his sternum this w-e as I tried to get him to wake up and talk to us.

Our trip to NH to cross country ski seems so long ago now (the hospital will do that to you). I did want to show off the kittygirl we brought back. The B&B had all kinds of stuffed bears, cats, and moose situated on the beds for guests to enjoy. We "adopted" this one since it reminded us of our cat, Gracie, with that same beautiful, calico, queenie personality. Here she is hanging out on the couch.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

NH Peaks

We love to cross country ski whenever we can take time off to travel and find a snowy locale. It sounds simple enough, but finding snow, even in New England, has been tricky the past few years. We keep trying to get to Bend, Oregon where everyone raves about the snow as well as the town. But Oregon is a far piece from NC, and we just don't seem to be able to make it happen. This year I wanted to xc ski over the MLK holiday and came across the website for Jackson NH, a whole town devoted to cross country skiing. They have a touring association in town as well as a very helpful website. We stayed at an Inn I found on their website (the Inn at Ellis River). The Innkeepers served a terrific breakfast and were just nice, nice people.

We spent the 1st day skiing at Bretton Woods,west of Mt Washington-enjoying our granola bars and peanuts right alongside all of those hearty New Englanders with their pb&j sandwiches. I'm pretty sure we could cure the obesity epidemic if we could get more people out skiing with all of those frugal Yankees who show up in their old tights, wool sweaters, bike gear, and boots from the 70's-whether they fit or not. I have never seen so many members of the same family tackle a sport at once, then sit down to granola, sandwiches and a thermos of coffee only to march back out to do it all again. It's pretty cool really. I, of course, was happy just to get my heart rate up, see so many peaks covered with snow, and give my slider-glider muscles a real workout.

We skied the Great Glen trails just east of Mt. Washington on the 2nd day. Their beginner trails were a little more advanced beginner for us as we tried to remember the intricacies of slowing down and turning all at the same time. It's tough when your last lesson was 3 years ago, but it did come back. Fortunately we got some spectacular views of the Presidential mountain range in the morning because the clouds moved in later in the afternoon obscuring the peaks altogether. Neither our car nor our bodies climbed Mt Washington, but I'd love to go back for that someday. One interesting variation on the famous "This car climbed Mt Washington" bumper sticker was a car with one that read "The owner of this car RAN Mt Washington." Now that is one tough feat-almost 5000 ft of up in just under 8 miles. Can you imagine? I'd love to do that race someday...

Exeter Reunion

Holly and I made good use of the MLK holiday to escape up north for a bit of cross country skiing. We flew into Boston and drove north to the White Mtns in New Hampshire. On the way, we visited Exeter, the boarding school I attended for 3 years of high school. We traipsed around campus from my old dorm to the field house and on to the main part of campus. I can't remember the last time I was there for a visit, probably ten yrs ago or more. The science center, where I took many classes and taught as an intern after college, has relocated across the street to an even larger facility. Other than that, things were pretty much the same. We even managed to find my old soccer team photo in the field house.

I added a few photos here, just for old times sake.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Not So Great This Time

I find that if it takes me a while to get back to writing here, either I have been too busy (good times rolling) or I am dealing with something. This time, it's the latter. My Stepdad had to have more brain surgery this week, and I have been very distracted with hopes and worries for him and my Mom. We learned at Christmas that his tumor had recurred-it just kept marching through his head despite 6 weeks of chemo & radiation after surgery. He went in for more surgery Wednesday, getting 5 1/2 hours of Dr. Frankel's time and expertise in the Operating Room. Unfortunately, he developed a bleed Thursday afternoon and needed more surgery to stop the bleeding. Now they have him in the ICU, in a coma, to keep him calm and sedated. Of course, I have been worried for him and for my Mom who has had to wait patiently through each of these surgeries. Obviously, none of us can predict or control the future. But I am hoping and praying for the best outcome with no suffering.

Here's a photo of the old bald guy at Christmas, doing his Soduko.

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year's Day Good Luck Pig

Supposedly there is a custom with the chinese of giving little pig ornaments as good luck. I used to buy lots of them and give them to friends as gifts, but I can never find them anymore at the toy stores. So this is my rendition of the Good Luck pig for all of you. Luella's BBQ here in Asheville put a lit up pig on their rooftop for the holidays, adorned with a santa cap and lights. I've been meaning to photograph it since I first noticed the little guy (seems a bit much to call this photography but whatever...). This being New Year's Day, and being up to see the sunrise, and to welcome in the year my own way, here it is.

We had a fun New Year's Eve with dinner at the new, cool, cheap eat called Chai Pani that serves street Indian food (okra fries, I'm not kidding) followed by a yummy desert of s'mores and coffee at Cafe Posana just as the city's fireworks were going off one street over, and then the Swayback sisters' concert in Black Mountain at the new acoustic music club White Horse Black Mountain. Made it home in time to wish each other a Happy New Year on our own.

Today we are doing the traditional New Year's Day hike with friends (one year I swear Susan took us to Penn to start the hike, but I believe we're only going to Brevard and the Pisgah Area this time, tee hee) followed by a lasagne potluck at Jan's house. Great way to start the year off right, and we still have 2 more days to enjoy being off.

So whatever you wish for in 2010, here's your Good Luck Pig.