Thursday, August 21, 2008

Unaccustomed Earth

Mom and I just got back from the clinic. They were short staffed so although I didn't need any blood products, we were there for about 2 hours. I guess they just need to cogitate about the lab results and decide what to do with all of the numbers. Nothing had dropped to the point where I needed a transfusion today. My white cell count is down to 300 (normal is 8000) which I'd expect. Seems I haven't hit the absolute bottom yet after the chemo.

I realized today (thursday) that I had my days all confused yesterday. Somehow I thought it was thursday when I wrote in the blog that we would be climbing Mt LeConte. No, the hike and cabin stay was to be August 21 and 22- today and tomorrow. I think I got all out of whack because I had time off from the clinic and then went back last Sunday. Somehow that reprogrammed my feeble brain into thinking that was a Monday when it was really Sunday. Scary - those chemo brain moments. Anyway, today is truly the day we would have been hiking up, staying in the little wood cabin and eating in the lodge up there. We'll all get to do it again in the future I feel sure.

I finished a great book recently by the terrific Indian-American writer Jhumpa Lahiri. It is a collection of fabulous short stories, some with interconnected characters, by the same woman who wrote "The Namesake." I really like her stuff including her first work of fiction another short story collection called "Interpreter of Maladies." This one is called "Unaccustomed Earth" since many of the characters are Indians who move to the US to start a family and put down roots in different soil. She is one of the best observers of human nature and family interactions. Beautifully written.

Not sure if the photo turned out, but these are geese in the garden of a house I pass on my walk around Hillsborough.

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